26 Aug
Before an investment decision is made, the current economic situation of the country to be invested should be examined in detail and then an investment decision should be made. Macroeconomic indicators are used when analyzing a country's economy. That's why we're going to learn this first. We are starting the economics class.. fasten your belts.. 
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced in a country's economy in a given period. GDP is calculated every 3 months and announced by TURKSTAT. 
It is found by the formula Y=I+C+G+NX. I = investment, C = consumption, G = public spending, NX = foreign trade deficit/surplus. 
The increase in the total value of goods and services produced in the country's economy is also called growth. We call the growth that is explained by adjusting price changes as real growth, and the growth that is calculated by including price increases is called nominal growth. 
For example, If 10 vehicles are produced in an economy in a year and the value of each of these vehicles is 100,000 TL, the GDP will be 1,000,000 TL. The next year, the total number of vehicles produced does not change, but if the vehicle price rises to 110,000 TL, the economy has not grown in real terms, although it has grown by 10% in nominal terms. Growth is a government's foremost goal. The growth expectation is also very effective on the pricing in the stock market, so we should follow the GDP figures. Expectations are asked when the GDP figures are announced. While the performance of the stock market is weak during the periods when the growth expectation is low, the stock markets rise when there is a high growth expectation. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Unemployment rate is the rate that indicates the unemployed among those participating in the labor force in an economy. The workforce consists of those who are already employed and those who are actively looking for work. In other words, people who do not have a job but are not looking for a job are not considered unemployed.